Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Profile: Julie Connor (CD7)

DU Today has published an article outlining the policy positions of city council candidates in three areas. The article by Richard Chapman is entitled "Candidates vie to replace MacKenzie in District 7," and includes profiles of both Council District 6 and Council District 7 candidates.

Below is the response of CD7's Julie Connor:
Experience you consider most relevant to Denver City Council service:
My current position as aide to Councilwoman Kathleen MacKenzie makes me the only candidate with exactly the experience and knowledge needed to represent District7 residents. Additionally, my stint in Peace Corps provided community development experience in an especially challenging atmosphere.

The University of Denver describes itself as a “private institution for the public good.” If the University were to ask you for suggestions as to how this could be accomplished in the years ahead, how would you answer?
First and foremost, get students out of their cars. (And the city can work on getting non-students out of their cars.) The tree-planting program in conjunction with the Park People is a stellar community service. A couple off-the-cuff ideas for enhancing the public good using university resources would be to find ways to incorporate into the curriculum students serving on city task forces, and establishing citizen academies (dealing with topics such as urban design, small-business planning, legal workshops, etc.) that could be facilitated by students.

What are the top three issues affecting District 7 that you intend to tackle after being elected to City Council?
I’ve got four: 1) Focusing on zoning as it pertains to keeping stable neighborhoods stable and directing investment to neighborhoods that desire it; 2) Enhancing public safety vis-à-vis police technology, infrastructure improvements and code compliance enforcement; 3) Fostering local business and neighborhood schools; and 4) Promoting environmental principles.

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