Thursday, March 22, 2007

CD8: The case of the vanishing attack ads

The attack ads against Darrell Watson (which used to be here, here, and here) are now gone. One of the original authors has vanished, and another removed his/her two postings.

Denver voters will be thankful for the ads' removal from the campaign, as they were Shakespearean in their presence: "full of sound and fury, signifying nothing." The original Denver Post story was obnoxious from the start, and clearly demeaning of the public interest.

Yet the story had legs, and appeared on several Internet sites, including Denver Politics. The prominence of the attack ads got another boost earlier today when a Westword article discussed the issue. Yet as soon as the ads gained the spotlight, they vanished, begging the question: why?

Did the author have a change of heart?

Were they removed at the threat of litigation?

Or were did another candidate in Council District 8 lose nerve, and order them removed because they feared being exposed for such extraordinarily negative politics?

I'm thankful they're gone, but the story behind this disappearance removal seems potentially more revelatory than ever existed in the original story itself.


Carla For Council said...

I take exception to the following rhetorical question:

"Or (sic) did another candidate in Council District 8 lose nerve, and order them removed because they feared being exposed for such extraordinarily negative politics?"

Sharon Bailey does not have a website that anyone can find and Greg Rasheed has a QuickTime that doesn't even load, but I speak only for the candidate Carla Madison.

I state here categorically and definitively: Carla Madison and her campaign staff had absolutely nothing to do with the Youtube videos.

Carla has run her campaign as she has run her life, with absolute integrity and unquestionable virtue.

Carla has followed the strategy that her long standing dedication and service to the community, in-depth familiarity with the issues, her vision and ability to succeed in self initiated community projects such as the OD9 and the City Park Festival of the Arts will convince the voters in District 8 that Carla Madison is clearly the best candidate for City Council District 8.

Carla spends time to answer the questions on your questionnaire because it is an extension of her issue-oriented campaign. This merits only passing mention and no further responses from readers or, most notably, candidates.
Is it because no other candidate can speak with the vision and experience on issues that face the North East Denver Community or is it because other candidates do not choose to make issues, understanding and vision the hallmark of their campaign?

Do I think that Darrell's conviction for "wrongs to a minor" is news? Yes I do.
I believe that a candidate runs with their record with both service and injury.
Did we put the link to either the Post Article or the Youtube Video's on our website? No, we did not. After much consideration we did put the link to the Post Article on our newsletter, but without editorial comment and buried towards the bottom.

However, At the Colorado Black Women for Political Action candidates' Forum,
Darrell's present partner personally accused Carla of putting a link to the
Youtube videos on our website.
When asked if he had seen our website, he responded, "No, I have just heard some things". He refused to apologize for his unfounded, offensive and spurious accusation.

Let me ask some rhetorical questions.

If a Watson supporter tells an undecided voter that Carla has put her name on her endorsement list at and I have to spend time defending her against another spurious accusation, is this spirited politics?

If I were to have several emails stating that another candidate has
exaggerated, taken credit for other's work or made outright fabrications and I decline to use that in our issue oriented campaign, is that spirited politics?

If I have heard several people tell me that a certain candidate's supporter has accused Carla of things like "She has no follow-through", when in fact she currently has a 7 year project, and has completed a 3 year project with 100% community support and a unanimous approval in Council, and I have to defend even more spurious accusations, is this spirited politics?

Clearly an arrest and guilty plea has gotten more exposure than anything Carla has done for the community. The Denver Post, 5280 and now Westword give Darrell exposure that no other candidate has been afforded. Did you
rhetorically ask if Darrell's campaign created the videos to soften the outcry?

Perhaps I should submit the following to the Denver Post:
Yesterday, Carla Madison, candidate for City Council District 8 and Visiting
Home Health Therapist, received a parking ticket while attending to an 82 year old client. The ticket has not been paid as of this writing.
Details to follow on Youtube.

Paul Weiss
The Committee to Elect Carla Madison
Denver City Council District 8

Unknown said...

The Watson campaign has no knowledge of the source of the videos or of the reasons for their removal.

Rather than engaging in speculation on those distractions, we will be preparing for Monday's discussion of Economic Growth, Development and Opportunity.

Darrell will be sharing his vision for the growth and health of the neighborhoods and will be listening to all members of the community who want to wiegh in on the real issues facing District 8.

We will be at the Whittier Community Center - 30th & Downing, begining at 6:30

Aaron Silverstein
Citizens for Watson