Monday, May 14, 2007

Neighborhood analysis, Council District 7

In Council District 7, Shelly Watters doesn't have a ghost of a chance of winning. As the graph below shows, she only challenged Nevitt's lead in three neighborhoods: Overland, Valverde, and Rosedale. Throughout the rest of the district, including her own Platt Park, she trails by 14% or more.

West Wash Park, Athmar Park, and College View weren't even competitive, with Chris dominating by a margin of more than 30%.


garbanzito said...

there are no residents in the District 7 portion of Baker (south of Alameda, West of Broadway); my guess is you split 220 and 303, but these should belong entirely to WWP

Dave Burrell said...

Thanks for point that out. It wasn't something I decided; these are the official designations given by the Denver Election Commission.

Precincts 206, 210, 211, 217, and 220 are all designated as Baker. 220 does edge into West Wash Park, however, incorrectly including about 14 blocks in District 7... which is why Baker shows up in this report.

Again, thanks for pointing that out.