Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Historic comparisons

Wondering how this election compares to others in terms of turnout? Below are figures for each of Denver's municipal elections over the past 20 years.
2003 - 244,398 - 114,492 - 46.9%
1999 - 195,476 - .51,494 - 26.4%
1995 - 165,218 - 104,358 - 63.2%
1991 - 162,083 - 125,453 - 77.4%
1987 - 249,032 - 140,270 - 56.3%
Given the lack of mayoral competition, we should expect this election to be more like 1999 than any other year.

We may well exceed that year's turnout of just 26%, and yet still have a historic low. That's because the list of "active" voters has been drastically culled this year.

So the bigger comparison will be found in the total votes. Will we exceed 52,000 votes... and if so, by how much?


Andrew Oh-Willeke said...

We have almost 69,000 votes now and will probably get another 1,000. This is about 36% turnout and may go to 37% or 38%.

Dave Burrell said...

Turnout actually exceeded 100,000 votes, which not only is well over 50% but is truly an impressive figure in a year without a competitive mayoral campaign.

Guess all those predictions of a low turnout due to a "boring" election were, well... misguided.