Monday, April 9, 2007

A sudden rush for information

TO: Candidates in Denver's 2007 municipal elections
FROM: Denver Politics
DATE: 9 April 2007
RE: Reaching voters via the Web

In case you wondered whether Denver voters would actually use the Web to gather political information, the graph below may be instructive.

Today's hit count on this site has soared. Why? Because the ballots are reaching voters, and voters are reaching out for information.

There's no other reason for this sudden surge. Our posting patterns remain unchanged and we have no new links to boast. People are simply seeking more objective information about the candidates for whom they are now beginning to vote.

All of this comes in the absence of any coverage in the Denver dailies, with no mention of any municipal race or candidate in this weekend's editions, reflecting a shameful disregard for the public process.

This site is intended to provide a forum for your views, supplemented by our own analyses and reflections. Feel free to provide updates on news or avail yourselves of prospective voters on this site. Today's only the first day of voters scrambling for information, and we hope to provide the answers they seek.

Update (04/10): A current image showing further escalating interest below...

1 comment:

Dave Barnes said...

Yes, indeed.
I came here seeking info on the candidates and found it.
Or not. Some don't have websites. Idiots.