Thursday, March 15, 2007

CD7: Jake Schroeder's old news

I'm not sure how a candidate who withdrew from a city council race nearly a month ago could possibly qualify as "news," but Westword has just released an article about the political ambitions of Jake Schroeder.

Most of the article simply repeats details that have long been on the erstwhile-candidate's webpage. The only thing that could possibly qualify as news is the final paragraph:
Besides, Schroeder hasn't given up all thoughts of public office. A lifelong Republican, he changed to "unaffiliated" about nine months ago and hasn't yet decided how to register next. How politic! Although city races are allegedly non-partisan, it would be tough to run for the Colorado Legislature as a Denver Republican. Even a Denver Republican who makes a great cup of coffee and is one of this town's true celebrities.

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